There were 3 in the set I received, available here.
The individual polishes are BPU 01 Leo, BPU 02 Galactic Centre and BPU 03 Pink Planet.
These polishes all stamped really well and I tested each of them over black and white. Although they stamped well over white they were quite subtle, the contrast over a dark base was much better and the full chrome nature of each polish was much more evident.
BPU 01 Leo is a gold to green, with gold being the prominent colour, BPU 02 Galactic Centre green to blue, green being more apparent and BPU 03 Pink Planet I would say pink to gold but mostly a beautiful rose gold.
I used a clear jelly stamper to test them as that seems to be the most fickle of my stampers and therefore the toughest test. I used Born Pretty plates BPL005 and BPL029.
I also stamped them over the Born Pretty Pearl Lustre polishes (over a black base) and that gave a nice effect.
This following pictures are over white - BPU 01 Leo in the first shot and the BPU 02 and 03 Galactic Cente and Pink Planet in the second. As you can see, clear stamping but subtle.
BPU 01 Leo |
BPU 02 Galactic Centre and BPU 03 Pink Planet |
These are the photos over the Pearl Lustre polishes. I tried all 3 polishes over Pearl Lustre Moonstone, the blue shimmer. (Pink Planet on index and little finger, Galactic Centre on midde finger and Leo on ring finger)
BPU 01,02,03 over Moonshine |
BPU 03 Pink Planet over Lotus in Moonlight |
Then Galactic Center over Jade Sky
BPU 02 Galactic Centre over Jade Sky |
And finally Leo over Only You.
BPU 01 Leo over Only You |
The polishes looked pretty over the Pearl Lustres but they were most impressive over black. I also painted a full nail with each so show the multichrome effect.
BPU 01 Leo and BPU 02 Galactic Center.
BPU 01 Leo and BPU 02 Galactic Center |
BPU 03 Pink Planet
BPU 03 Pink Planet |
Overall I really like these polishes. Of the 3 sets I have reviewed these are my favourite.