Saturday 8 February 2014

Pocket Money Polishes Umbrella

This beautiful glitter topper by Charlie at Pocket Money Polishes sat for far too long in the untried box, but when I swatched it over Nails Inc Sheraton Street, I knew it was perfect.
Sadly Pocket Money Polishes is no more, but I have a lovely collection of polishes from Charlie and a wonderful friend!
This polish is Umbrella, named after the Rhianna song, and it is a stunning mix of silver hexes, very fine blue bar glitter, and iridescent bar glitter that pick us some very pretty colours in the light. I love this combination of glitter over Sheraton Street, the soft blue grey makes a lovely backdrop for the silver and blue.
I used 2 coats of Umbrella, and the glitter distribution was good.
I wore this for 3 days before giving in to the urge to try out my new Avon matte top coat (final picture).
Pocket Money Polishes Umbrella
Pocket Money Polishes Umbrella
 Pocket Money Polishes Umbrella
  Pocket Money Polishes Umbrella
Pocket Money Polishes Umbrella
Pocket Money Polishes Umbrella
Pocket Money Polishes Umbrella with matte top coat


  1. This looks beautiful! I love how it looks against your knit-wear :) I love the colours of this glitter!

    1. thank-you! Its such a shame Charlie doesn't make them anymore :(
