Thursday 30 April 2015

A2Z Series - Y is for You

This week the A2Z letter is Y for You, and in my mind that means "me" :)
So this one is a bit tongue in cheek as I've chosen China Glaze DJ Blue My Mind (my initials are DJ) and Virtuous Polish Deborah (my name, although I prefer Debbie), and combined the two Debbie polishes with a knitting stamp, so that's me then :)
The #30daysofcolourchallenge was Swatcher's Choice and I am the swatcher so I guess I can get away with combining the challenges.

I didn't think the 2 polishes were contrasting enough to stamp clearly - in my mind it was all perfect but then when I got them out I wasn't so sure, so I added some stripes with Lealac LLC-A and Essence Stampy 001 so that Deborah would stand out more, and I do like stripes :)
Then I stamped the knitting image from Messy Mansion MM40 with Virtuous Polish Deborah.
A bit on the bright side for me, but not bad - I am rather pleased with them :)
China Glaze DJ Blue My Mind, Essence Stampy 001  and Virtuous Polish Deborah, Lealac LLC-A and  Messy Mansion MM40
A2Z Series - Y is for You
China Glaze DJ Blue My Mind, Essence Stampy 001
 and Virtuous Polish Deborah, Lealac LLC-A and
Messy Mansion MM40
 China Glaze DJ Blue My Mind, Essence Stampy 001  and Virtuous Polish Deborah, Lealac LLC-A and  Messy Mansion MM40
 China Glaze DJ Blue My Mind, Essence Stampy 001  and Virtuous Polish Deborah, Lealac LLC-A and  Messy Mansion MM40
China Glaze DJ Blue My Mind, Essence Stampy 001  and Virtuous Polish Deborah, Lealac LLC-A and  Messy Mansion MM40