Thursday 12 February 2015

A2Z Series - N is for New

It's Thursday again and time for the letter N - N is for New. This was a hard one - when I originally looked at the list it did not strike me as a problem but the closer we got to N week the more concerned I became about what on earth would I do?
At the moment I am reading the 2nd book in the Twilight series, New Moon and my copy is the one with the pretty red and white raggedy tulip on the front. Each night as I close the book up I look at the picture, and then it hit me - that's what I should try - a NEW technique to create the image from NEW moon.
I do own nail art brushes but, other than my rather shaky efforts on the Neiru challenge, I don't use them so this was the push I needed. I watched a couple of videos about one stroke flowers and set about it.
I painted my nails with Nails Inc Lily, super dark red and then got out the acrylic paints, and the brushes.
It all so easy to watch a video and think, I can do that, and then reality strikes! Anyway, I can see what they are as I know what I was trying to do! Without the book as a clue I expect they just look a bit of a scribble, definitely a skill that needs some practice! 
A2Z series - N is for New (moon)

Look HERE to see what everyone else got up to


  1. This looks gorgeous! I really love your version, you did the cover picture justice! I also think this makes a great design for Valentines Day..maybe I am weird :D xx

    1. thank you ! not weird at all, they would probably have been good for Valentine's :)

  2. Great inspiration and super well made! :)

  3. Wow! The colours in this just make it twice as gorgeous! It's beautiful xx

  4. Awesome! I love the Twilight Saga, and new moon is great, so you did a good job of transferring it onto nails. Love your flowers <3
