Thursday 23 October 2014

Super-long Sleeves (Armwarmers)

Whilst I was looking around in Crafts from the Cwtch, downloading the pattern for the Cwtchy Cable Armwarmers, I came across another pattern for armwarmers, or Super-long Sleeves.
These are basically just very long ribbed tubes, with a slit for the thumb, and it struck me that if it's tucked up inside a jumper, this very simple pattern would be perfect. I could use any double knitting wool that I had, even if it wasn't that pretty as they'd mostly be out of sight.
I had a ball of double knitting wool left over from when I knitted an advent calendar for my sister a few years back, a dark green which I had bought for the main tree, so I dug it out. It's just a value brand, Teddy Avril, but actually it's a lovely deep bottle green (pine coloured obviously) and it knitted up nicely, so I thought I'd use that. I only had 100g and I wasn't sure if it was quite enough but I figured if weighed it as I went along I could stop at 50g and start the next one. As it is I do have a bit left over and I am really pleased with the finished sleeves. I made these to go from just below my elbows, so just a bit shorter than the pattern intended. They fit well, the ribbed pattern is great for being stretchy and flexible, I will be making these again I think!
The camera seems to think these are teal rather than bottle green, and also doesn't like the contrast between pale skin and dark green wool, but poor camera skills aside, I am happy with these although my choice of nail varnish for modelling is obviously not one of my better matches :)
Super-long Sleeves
Super-long Sleeves
Super-long Sleeves
Super-long Sleeves
Super-long Sleeves
 Super-long Sleeves
Super-long Sleeves


  1. These look amazing! I'm actually a huge sucker for arm warmers like this in winter, I always love the thumb hole! (That sounded a bit weird) The colour is also really cute :) Have a great weekend! xx

    1. thanks! Hope you've had a good weekend - was a bit cold and dull here, but a lot sunnier today x

  2. Please can you tell me where to get the pattern for these armwarmers.


  3. Wow, Debbie, those warmers look gorgeous! Just fabulous, wish I could knit. Although you make it sound so simple. Could you send me the pattern, please? Thanks!

